NIHR Clinical Lecturer/Honorary Specialty Registrar
Respiratory Medicine; Infectious Diseases; Clinical Genetics
Applicants must be a registered medical practitioner holding a licence to practice and an NTN in Respiratory Medicine or Infectious Diseases or Clinical Genetics, having achieved an outcome 1 at the most recent ARCP, or have been through national recruitment and be regarded as appointable at ST3 or above and be able to provide formal written evidence of this.
You must have a strong research background in your clinical specialty with research interests complimentary to those described in the jobs summary and have a higher degree (MD/PhD, or equivalent), or have submitted your higher degree at the time of application, with it being awarded prior to commencement no later than 31 August 2025.
The post offers the opportunity for those with excellent potential as clinical academics to further develop their academic skills, produce high level publications, compete & attract external grant funding and progress. Appointees will spend 50% of their time in clinical training and 50% of their time undertaking academic work.
The Postgraduate Dean has confirmed that this post has the required educational and staffing approval.