There is one post available as either a Grade 6 - Research assistant or Grade 7 - Research associate.
For 25 years, the Collaborative Computational Project for NMR (CCPN; has developed software tools for the biomolecular NMR community, advocates and enables collaboration and promotes the exchange of expertise and best practices.
The CcpNmr software package is used by a growing user base, that includes academics and ~20 pharmaceutical companies as well. In this exciting project, there is a position available as junior software developer (at either Research Associate or Research Assistant level).
In this role, you will be working on code development, particularly with respect to the CcpNmr AnalysisMetabolomics programme, code documentation, training and other CCPN outreach activities. The current CCPN team, led by Prof Geerten Vuister, forms a highly collaborative and supportive working environment, with ample opportunities for work-related skills and knowledge improvement, as well as personal development.